Monday 10 August 2015

How was your day?

My husband and I were on a two month long work cum pleasure trip to the U.S. We were at the Universal Studios when he lost his wallet and the hyper (read highly combustible) kind of a woman that I am, became hysterical, from tying " shaitan baba ki gaanth" ( a practice that has been a part of our belief system) to reciting every prayer that I knew and learnt from Dadi  to "Our Father in Heaven", from my school. Every woman would have done the same had she been in my place because it was not about losing the Voter Id, Driving License in a foreign country but it was about losing a credit card, a debit card in a place where shopping was the only thing on my agenda ( looking back , I now realize why he didn't look perturbed, was still on all the rides even after  we discovered what had happened,the reason was similar to mine , it was not about the Voter Id , the Driving License  but about the credit cards , the shopping that I could have done with those.)

So while I sulked he looked extremely calm( am sure was jumping with joy in his head). I was grumpy all through the day.We came back to the hotel, he, tired, me, irritated.
Viola! Co-incidentally I was carrying my debit card so I asked him if he could ask the bank people to transfer some funds into my account at least that way won't get stuck up. I called it a night while he called his Bank in India asking them to block all the cards and requested for the money transfer into my account.The bank people said that they would let us know if that was even possible .

Next morning we were off to LA for the city tour.
The cabbie who showed us around went on with his commentary which I didn't find interesting at all. Showed us the place where Lindsay Lohan was brought here after she was arrested for drug abuse. He realized there was just no reaction in the taxi, must have thought that we probably had no idea who she was. He turned around and asked me,

" Did you go to the Universal Studios?"


 " How was your day at the Studios?"

(Oh ! I was waiting for someone to ask me that.)

 After I was done, he smiled and said , "My days are never bad , they are either good or interesting!"

Rest of the tour , we didn't talk !

We left LA two days later, were in California and there we got a call from the bank saying the request had been accepted. Before we came to LA we were in Chicago and every place I went I needed him to swipe the card and make the payments.
At store number 1,"Don't you think you have something similar to this?"
At store number 2 ," It isn't looking that good, look for something better."
 But, he never said ,"NO".

Now I had the monies!

From California we went to New York ,Philadelphia,Niagara and I shopped till I dropped while he kept coming back  to me saying ," Should I take this ?" Couple of times he tried that with a "Baby" prefixed to the request.

Well you know,already , I didn't say,"NO" ,
Just a little " Don't you think you have something similar to this" or  a " Look for something better"....hehehehe

 We came back to DC only to find his wallet, carefully Fedexed by the Sheriff at the Universal Studios to my husband's uncle's address ( the one I mentioned when I went to the "Lost and Found" section ) with everything just intact.

His cards still blocked. Me with all the money still on my card and we were flying to the UK soon.(More shopping)....hehehe

 I could only think of the Cabbie .

It's been 5 years since then and I never had a "Bad Day"....they are either "Good" or "Interesting".....touch wood....hehehe

Lesson learnt : Don't miss those fun rides because what you sometimes presume to be a  "bad day" ( time/moment) turns out to be the most interesting day of your life ! Be patient and wait for the suspense to unfurl!!

#BadDays #GoodDays #LessonsOfLife

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